Give to Bethel
General Fund
Thank you for partnering with us. Here at Bethel Mennonite Church, your giving to the General Fund is helping us be a positive presence in our neighbourhood, city, and world.
Your donation will help give neighbourhood kids a safe program in the evening, offer a drop-in program to local youth and help us distribute food to those in need through our Winnipeg Harvest depot
Your gift will share God’s work locally and globally through our partnerships with Camps with Meaning, Mennonite Central Committee, Mennonite Church Manitoba and Mennonite Church Canada
Your contribution will support our pastors to minister to those in need and help with the day-to-day upkeep of our building.
Various Ways to Donate
There are many ways to give Bethel your financial support:
Drop a cheque in the regular mail.
Give by Interac E-transfer using the email donations@bethelmennonite.ca
Arrange a monthly, pre-authorized withdrawal from your bank account. Our office assistant will happily assist you with the details if you are interested in this.
Give online through our website, from the safety and security of your home, car, or work!
Give in the traditional way, during the offering in Sunday worship
Legacy Fund
While our faith invites us to contribute to the current work of the church, it also invites us to reach into the future. To support our mission in this way, Bethel Mennonite Church has established a Legacy Fund.
The Legacy Fund receives contributions in support of the core mission of Bethel. Its primary use is to underwrite or subsidize special projects or initiatives which further that core mission. Program initiatives are privileged, but neither capital projects nor support of the annual budget are prohibited. Projects or programs can be allocated funding for a 2-3 year period, but normally will not receive on-going funding.
You are invited to support the Legacy Fund with a gift now, or through a designation in your will.
Website Statement of Privacy and Security
With the advent of additional church content and information being shared online, Bethel Mennonite Church Council has created a Website Statement of Privacy and Security.
Security online is very important. Bethel Mennonite Church employs security regarding the website, online donations, and cookies and tracking.