Adult Ed March 10


March 10 - Pandemics and Wicked Problems

Session 2 with Rachel Krause – We will use the case of the COVID-19 pandemic to explore the issue of wicked problems. We will look at the limits of (even very good) science and some of the options for addressing those limitations.

March 17 - Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Science

Session 3 with Rachel Krause – We will look at what AI is, what it is for, and how it shows up in our daily lives. We will explore what some of the risks and opportunities are with rapidly evolving new technologies that use AI. We will use AI as a lens through which to look at ourselves and ask the question, what does it mean to be human in our current technological time?

March 24 - “Our Stories Matter” — Mennonite Ceramic Art

Grace Nickel will explore some of the amazing ceramic art that she has discovered to illustrate the Mennonite Story.


Kids Connecting March 10


Run Towards the Danger