Caregiving: Bethel Financial Advisory


Bethel’s Financial Advisory program (BFA) is a caregiving ministry that is designed to work with Bethel members to help them find ways to deal with financial pressures.

BFA is currently working with a Bethel family. This case involves fraud, numerous examples of elder abuse, and requests by that family to numerous Bethel members for significant financial assistance in the form of cash and loans. The details have only recently been shared with those people directly involved. However, we strongly advise that if you are approached for financial assistance from anyone in the church, other than for an amount which you consider to be insignificant, that you say no and report this to one of our pastors, preferably the lead pastor.

If your financial pressures are becoming too great for you to handle on your own, contact a pastor. You will be advised about BFA and directed to them.

 If you know of a Bethel member who is burdened by their financial situation, encourage them to seek help in finding a solution to their problem. If they are willing, have them contact a pastor who will connect them with the BFA team.




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