Sept. 15 Worship Focus


September 15 Worship Focus

·         Theme: To Hope and Act with Creation: Retelling our Stories

·         Scripture: Genesis 1:1 - 2:3

·         Speaker: Kevin Derksen

The month of September marks the Season of Creation for many churches. This year’s overarching theme for the Season of Creation, “To Hope and Act with Creation,” will guide us as we think together about what it means to live as people of faith in a world that is rapidly changing. We will explore what it means to live faithful lives of hope and discipleship in the midst of the current climate crisis, both as individuals and together as a community of faith.

September 22 Worship Focus

·         Theme: To Hope and Act with Creation: Reimagining for Our Future

·         Scripture: Luke 8:4-8; Mark 4:30-32

·         Speaker: Amelia Warkentin

Please join us in-person on Sunday at 10:00 am, or online. To view online, go to the home page on our website and click on Bethel Live.


Kids Connecting and Youth Connecting


Bethel Community Fall Market