Website Changes


Website Changes | We are making some changes to the Bethel website homepage that we hope will make our site easier to navigate for our Bethel family and our broader community. Starting next week, our homepage will feature fewer weekly announcements with a focus only on worship Information, special Bethel events of interest to the broader community and important announcements. The link to our weekly Bethel Livestream will still be front and center.

Bethel news, stories and other updates will still be shared with the congregation in our weekly Bethel eNews and printed announcements on Sunday morning. The Bethel Online files in the members section of the website will remain available as well.

We are also in the process of reviewing and updating the more permanent content on our site about our pastoral team, committees and the work of the church at Bethel and beyond. We want to keep this information as current as possible.

Thank you for your patience and support.


eNews Editor