Related Organizations
Bethel Mennonite Church has many related organizations. Here is a listing of some of those organizations, including recent updates that they have asked we publish for the Bethel Family.
God calls, equips and sends the church to engage the world with the reconciling Gospel of Jesus Christ. We are a community of disciples of Jesus, A part of the Body of Christ, covenanted together as congregations, regional churches, and a nationwide church body. Gratefully responding to God’s initiatives and empowered by the Holy Spirit, we commit ourselves and our resources to calling, equipping and sending the church to engage the world with the reconciling Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Our vision is to be a community of congregations unified in Jesus Christ, living a biblical Anabaptist faith, together presenting Jesus Christ to the world.
Our Vision is the ideal we want and hope to become. We see ourselves growing in size and faithfulness, and building up our community of churches. Our reason for being is our faith, lived and known and, specifically, articulated in the Confession of Faith in a Mennonite Perspective. As a community, we will strengthen each other and our member congregations, to follow Jesus Christ and present Him to all people.
MCC is a global, non-profit organization that strives to share God’s love and compassion through relief, development and peacebuilding.
In all our programs we are committed to relationships with our local partners and churches — their needs guide our priorities.
As an Anabaptist organization, we strive to make peace a part of everything we do. When responding to disasters we work with local groups to distribute resources to minimize conflict. In our development work we consult with communities to make sure the projects meet their needs. And we advocate for policies that will lead to a more peaceful world.
Mennonite Disaster Service Canada is a volunteer network of Canadian Anabaptist churches that works with U.S. Anabaptist churches to respond in Christian love to those affected by disasters in Canada and the United States. While the main focus is on clean up, repair and rebuilding homes, this service touches lives and nurtures hope, faith and wholeness.
CMU is an innovative Christian university, rooted in the Anabaptist faith tradition, moved and transformed by the life and teachings of Jesus Christ. Through teaching, research, and service CMU inspires and equips women and men for lives of service, leadership, and reconciliation in church and society.
Westgate Mennonite Collegiate is a Christian school grounded in the Anabaptist tradition. It is the mission of the school to provide a well-rounded education, which will inspire and empower students to live as people of God.
As a Christian educational community within the Anabaptist Mennonite tradition, Westgate Mennonite Collegiate integrates academic learning with growth in character and faith, together with peacemaking and service to God and all creation. Westgate seeks to provide a quality academic education in the context of a faith community, upheld by our Christian values. We are convinced that learning, at its best, occurs when academics are bound together with faith and positive relationships. This is the vision that has nurtured Westgate for close to 60 years.
The mission of WMEMS is to provide quality, Christ-centered education integrating faith and life within a caring school community.
As an organization we are constantly striving and working towards being a Christian school community where all students engage in meaningful, relevant and outstanding academic and spiritual learning, enabling them to reach their full potential, positively influencing and inspiring them for the rest of their lives.
The Winnipeg Mennonite Seniors Care Inc. (WMSCI) philosophy is born out of the true Christian belief that, like the Good Samaritan, we respond to the needs of others before those of our own. In the case of our assisted living facility, this altruistic, spiritual approach is particularly directed towards adults and their families. In serving them, we serve God.
Christ taught us that our own families, our church families and our spiritual families are that which keeps us together in our relationships with each other and our desire to serve God. This then is the spirit that greets us all who come through the doors of WMSCI.