About Us
Welcome to Bethel Mennonite Church! We are glad you have found us. Bethel is a welcoming, affirming church nestled in the Grant Park neighbourhood of Winnipeg. We worship on Sunday mornings at 10am, and invite you to join us.
We are a congregation of Mennonite Church Manitoba rooted in the Anabaptist faith tradition. As followers of Jesus, we seek in our life together to reveal the realm of God in the world. Our building is a busy place, with many congregational events and community programs that use our space. We are home to a daycare centre, a food bank distribution site, kids and youth clubs, family supports and English classes. Wherever you come from, we invite you to make Bethel your spiritual home.
Bethel Staff
Church Council
Bethel uses an organizational structure which we believe will help us invest in our shared work with joy and energy. It is comprised of Church Council, Church Council Executive and the Pastors helping to guide 5 distinct Executive Groups and some Council Committees.
Contact us
Bethel Mennonite Church
Monday: Closed
Tuesday – Friday: 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
Approaching from Harrow
Entrance between Harrow and Stafford
Approaching from Stafford Street