Community Ministry


Harrow Reading Buddies

Every Wednesday afternoon from 2:30 to 3:15, a group of Bethel volunteers and a group of students from Harrow School meet in the church foyer. The children find their buddies and the pairs find a quiet spot in the sanctuary to sit together. The child reads aloud to his or her adult buddy and in the process, friendships develop. Not only do the children participating in this program have the chance to improve their reading skills, but they also benefit in countless other ways from the care, encouragement, and support of their new buddies.

We have one more eight-week reading session coming up for this school year in April and May, and we are in need of several more volunteers to make sure each child gets the individualized attention they need. Could you spare an hour each week for two months to get to know one of the children from our neighbourhood? Please contact Kathy McCamis if you’re interested in finding out more or in signing up to join us this spring!


Worship Focus March 17


Kids Connecting March 17