Bethel Women in Mission
Bethel Women in Mission has become a circle of about 30 - 40, mainly elderly ladies who are always open to welcoming women of all ages who are seeking to share life's faith journey together.
Except for January, July & August, we meet on the first Wednesday of the month, at 1:30 in the afternoon. NOTE: this is a new day and time!
'For we are partners working together for God'. 1 Corinthians 3:9 TEV
Latest Updates
to nurture and inspire us through presentations by speakers from Bethel and beyond.
to extend mutual caring and prayer during our sharing time.
to expand and deepen our fellowship circles at regular meetings and special occasions such as the Mother/Daughter/Friend supper in May and the Christmas banquet in December.
through regular offerings, to financially support mission work in our community, country and globally.
to participate in coordinating and serving at reception meals for funerals of church members.
to receive information and reports from various MCC programs as well as other agencies we support.
Leadership for 2021
Leadership for 2021 includes an elected Executive made up of a president, vice president, secretary and treasurer and a Program Committee. An appointed Food Committee coordinates serving at funeral receptions for church members.