March 23 Worship Focus and Education Hour
March 23 Worship Focus – Lent 3
· Lent Series: Shadows and Light: Windows into Lent
· Service Theme: Present – Envy and Contentment
· Scripture: Psalm 73:1-9, 23-26, Matthew 20:1-16
· Speaker: Kathy McCamis
This year’s Lenten services are shaped by the windows (designed by Bethel member, Alvin Pauls) which surround us in worship. The design of the windows on the north side of the sanctuary reflects the seven deadly sins of the ancient Christian tradition. The seven deadly sins are classically understood as a disorientation of one’s love and the corresponding virtues are seen as the right orientation of love. While we don’t often talk about the deadly sins and virtues these days, the gift of Lent is that it provides us with a window to ponder the entangled nature of our lives -– vices and virtues, shadows and light -- while recognizing our dependence on the transforming love of God.
March 30 Worship Focus – Lent 4
· Lent Series: Shadows and Light: Windows into Lent
· Service Theme: Satisfied – Gluttony and Temperance
· Scripture: Psalm 119:9-16, Luke 16:19-25
· Speaker: Kevin Derksen
· Potluck meal after the service
Please join us in-person on Sunday at 10:00 am, or online. To view online, go to the home page on our website,, and click on Bethel Live.
Kids Connecting will meet on Sunday, March 23, at 11:15 am in the basement.
Youth Connecting will meet again on Sunday, April 6, at 11:15 am in the basement.
March 9 – 23: Shadows and Light: Lenten Worship Response
For these first three Sundays in Lent, we will spend our Adult Education time responding to the themes of our worship services and asking how they speak to the experience of our lives and of our world. The sessions will include a mixture of table conversation and whole-group discussion. This is your opportunity to ask questions, share insights and keep the conversation going!
On March 30, there will be no Adult Education time, due to the Potluck Lunch after the service.
On April 6, Caregiving is hosting a session on low vision challenges with aging. Jim Wiens will present what he has learned after years of Ophthalmology practice and will be happy to answer questions.