March 2 Worship Focus


March 2 Worship Focus

·         Theme: Wealth and Generosity

·         Scripture: Mark 10:17-31

·         Speaker: Abe Bergen

This week we explore some interesting questions about wealth and generosity through the story of Jesus’ encounter with a man of many possessions in Mark 10.  What principles might guide us in our attitudes towards money and its use? How do we develop habits of generosity with the wealth we do have? What might Jesus have to say to us in response to the question asked of him in this text: “what must I do to inherit eternal life?”

March 9 Worship Focus – Lent 1

·         Lent Series: Shadows and Light: Windows into Lent

·         Service Theme: Rest – Sloth and Joy

·         Scripture: Proverbs 6:6-11, Matthew 25:1-13

·         Speaker: Kevin Derksen

Please join us in-person on Sunday at 10:00 am, or online. To view online, go to the home page on our website,, and click on Bethel Live.


Shrove Tuesday