How do I navigate the website?


Along the top of most website there is something called a navigation menu. This tends to show the most important pages on a website.

DESKTOP VIEW: (using a desktop or laptop)

This is what Bethel’s website navigation menu looks like:

Bethel’s Logo - clicking on this will take you to the home page.

  1. Main Navigation Pages - hovering over them will show drop down menus for pages in that topic, click on the page you are interested in exploring.

  2. Website Account Button

    • If you are not logged in, it will say “Login”, clicking on that button will prompt you for your username and password

    • if you are already logged in, it will say “Account”, clicking on that button will take you to your account settings

  3. Social Media Buttons - click on the icon to go to Bethel’s social pages for:

    • Instagram

    • Facebook

    • YouTube

MOBILE VIEW: (if you are using a smartphone or tablet)

  1. Bethel’s Logo - Tapping on this will take you to the home page.

  2. Menu Icon - Tapping on these 3 lines will expand the navigation menu.

  1. Menu button switches to an ‘X’ - tapping on the ‘X’ will close the menu.

  2. Main Navigation Pages - tap on the topic to expand the secondary menu options.

  3. Website Account Button

    • If you are not logged in, it will say “Login”, tapping on that button will prompt you for your username and password

    • if you are already logged in, it will say “Account”, tapping on that button will take you to your account settings

  4. Social Media Buttons - tap on the icon to go to Bethel’s social pages for:

    • Instagram

    • Facebook

    • YouTube


Navigation within a webpage has a variety of ways to move about:

  • Buttons, such as this - clicking on this button will do nothing, as this is an example.

  • Hyperlinks: This was the first version of links used on websites. These are text based links that typically show up as part of a paragraph of text. The common way to notice, a hyperlink is when the words are underlined and a different colour. Here is an example for you to see. Clicking on this link will do nothing.

  • Titles and Images - Sometimes there are sections that have images or titles. When you hover your mouse cursor over any links, the cursor changes from a pointer to a finger. This is a hint that the item you are hovering over is a link to something else. Here are some example cursors.


Try hovering your mouse cursor over the title or image below and notice how your cursor changes.


I am looking for a specific page, how do I find it?