Food Bank - Harvest Manitoba
Every second Monday (or Tuesday, if Monday is a holiday) church volunteers receive food from Harvest Manitoba, set it out, and serve it to those in need. Our doors open at 4:00 pm, and we close at 6:00 pm. Every month, we welcome up to 160 households in our community to our food bank. Currently, every household is scheduled for an appointment at the food bank once every four weeks.
To make an appointment to attend the food bank, you must first contact Harvest Manitoba at 204-982-3671 or appointments@harvestmanitoba.ca.
When you arrive at the food bank for your appointment, you will be welcomed by one of our friendly volunteers. They are happy to answer any questions you might have. At the registration table inside, another volunteer will confirm your appointment and check your registration information. You will then collect your food from the tables where it has been set out for you, with the help of our volunteers. It is helpful if you bring some bags with you to help carry your food home.
If you are not on our client list for any reason, you will be served as a walk-in at 6:00 pm after all registered clients have been served.
Food Bank Volunteers
Volunteers are essential in keeping our food bank operating! Every food bank day, volunteers arrive at 1:45 pm to help unload food from the Harvest Manitoba truck and set it up in the dining hall. Another group of volunteers arrive at 3:45 pm to help with food distribution.
If you are interested in learning more or would like to volunteer at the food bank, please contact us. We would love to hear from you!