Bethel Fall Community Market


With spring in full bloom, it’s not too early to consider how you can contribute to a fall market being planned by Bethel Mennonite Church for October 19. Now’s the perfect time!

When Bethel Finance committee was brain-storming fund-raising ideas, we were reminded of the successful cookbook project “Cook the Books” during the COVID pandemic which highlighted the culinary skills of our church congregation. How could we build on the success of this project?

A market sale seemed like the perfect thing to bring our community together once again and dust off those culinary skills.

Why not throw in a few extra tomato plants this spring to prepare some salsa for the sale? You could also brush up on your bread-baking skills during your summer vacation in anticipation of selling some fresh bread. Why stop there? You could grow a few pumpkins in that far garden corner. Crafters, you might want to crochet or knit a little project while on a road trip, do some wood-working or make some greeting cards inspired by nature. A pie auction has also been suggested with details to follow.

Let’s come together as a community once again, celebrating our talents and nature’s bounty, all for a good cause. Proceeds of the sale will be shared between Carter Early Learning Centre in celebration of their 50th anniversary this fall, and a project to replace the Bethel Dining Hall flooring.

If you would like to be involved in the planning and organizing of this market, please contact the church office.


Sunday Morning Road Closures: June 16


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