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Finance Martin Kaethler Finance Martin Kaethler

2023 Financial Update

Fabulous Financial Resurgence

After significant concern that we would end up in a deficit position at the end of 2023, Bethel really stepped up its giving in December. We are delighted to report that all our commitments have been met…

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Finance Martin Kaethler Finance Martin Kaethler

Financial Update

It was great to see a total offering last Sunday of $37,970.00. We have ten days left to get to a balanced budget. This means a giving total of close to $80,000 will be needed. The offering box will be in the …

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Finance Martin Kaethler Finance Martin Kaethler

Giving Opportunity

Giving Opportunity | As of December 10, donations received towards the Bethel operational budget were $526,683. The Finance Committee is projecting that $100,000 is still required in the …

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Finance Martin Kaethler Finance Martin Kaethler

Finance Update

Effective immediately, please send any electronic donations to the newly-created address. This email address will automatically deposit the funds and …

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Finance Martin Kaethler Finance Martin Kaethler

Year end donations

If you have donations that you would like to submit before the year ends, we encourage you to mail your donation or drop it off in the Bethel mailbox. Other ways to financially support Bethel …

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Finance Martin Kaethler Finance Martin Kaethler

Year End Donations

During the week between Christmas and New Year’s the office will not have regular office hours. If you have donations that you would like to submit before the year ends, we encourage you …

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Finance Martin Kaethler Finance Martin Kaethler

Finance Update

Thank you to everyone who has contributed to Bethel’s mission this year. To date, Bethel has received $465,923 - what an incredible accomplishment! However, last year the congregation …

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Finance Martin Kaethler Finance Martin Kaethler

Finance Update

The Finance Committee would like to thank everyone for their generous contributions made to Bethel thus far in 2022. This is a reminder that there are 7 Sundays left in the calendar year…

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Finance Martin Kaethler Finance Martin Kaethler


Finance, together with Communications, Pastoral Team, and our Music/Arts Coordinator, are hoping to stimulate some thought by taking an intimate, light-hearted look at how our engagement …

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Finance Martin Kaethler Finance Martin Kaethler

Half-Way Challenge: Final Update

This year’s Half-Way Challenge is now over. In June, donations of $38,538 were received in response to the target of $60,000. Thank you so much to everyone who donated! While we did …

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Finance Martin Kaethler Finance Martin Kaethler

Half-Way Challenge: one more week

In the first three weeks of June, we received donations of $32,769. With one week to go in our half year challenge, the amount required in donations to beat last year's giving …

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Finance Martin Kaethler Finance Martin Kaethler

Half-Way Challenge Update

As we head out this time of year to enjoy warmer weather, let's not forget our Bethel giving! With the half-way mark in the year approaching, the Finance committee challenges Bethel to …

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Finance Martin Kaethler Finance Martin Kaethler

Finance Half-Way Challenge

As we head out this time of year to enjoy warmer weather, let's not forget our Bethel giving!  With the half-way mark in the year approaching, the Finance committee challenges Bethel to…

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