From the Pastor


“Every teeny tiny action—listening, learning, helping, and voting—brings us one step closer to the world we want to live in.” --Mrs. frazzled on Instagram

This quote came across my Instagram feed this week, and it struck a chord with me. With Peace Sunday approaching and all the complexities of global conflict weighing on my heart, with a U.S. election looming with many of us watching with interest and some concern, and with all the other losses and needs that we carry personally and corporately, it can be easy to feel overwhelmed by life.

It can be helpful to remember that, truly, small efforts can make a real difference—or, in the words of Mother Teresa, “Not all of us can do great things, but we can do small things with great love.” I am convinced that we make more difference than we realize on a daily basis: by praying for the people and places which are hurting in our lives and in our world, by stopping to talk with a neighbour or coworker who is having a hard day, by dropping a card in the mail to let someone know we’re thinking of them, by raking leaves for someone who needs a hand, by being a welcoming presence at the food bank, by listening to and encouraging a child who is learning to read.

Hoping toward God’s kingdom doesn’t just happen in big leaps, but in small steps taken one at a time--just as faith like a mustard seed has the power to move mountains, so promises Jesus.

I am hoping that this reminder will give me encouragement to keep on doing the small things that demonstrate love and kindness toward those I interact with daily—even if it won’t make headlines anytime soon. And I can only imagine that when we consider all the other people who are doing their best to do the small things that reflect the kind of world that we want to live in, collectively we can make a bigger difference than we will ever now!

 - Pastor Kathy McCamis


Nov. 3 Worship Focus


Adult Ed. Nov. 3