Nov. 3 Worship Focus


November 3 Worship Focus

·         Theme: Citizens of Earth and Heaven

·         Scripture: Matt. 5:14-16, 6:33, Phil. 1:27, 3:20-21

·         Speaker: Gord Zerbe (Canadian Mennonite University)

Note: on November 3, clocks “fall back” an hour as the time changes back to Central Standard Time.

This week we are grateful to welcome retired Canadian Mennonite University professor Gord Zerbe to share with us on the theme of citizenship. We are in the thick of a tense election season south of the border and know that we live with our own complicated political realities here in Canada, too. We are citizens of our city, our province and our country, but also “citizens of heaven” as Paul describes. How do we navigate these different citizen identities? What might it mean for our primary allegiance to be with the citizen community that is formed in the body of Christ?

November 10 Worship Focus

·         Theme: Peace Sunday

·         Scripture: Isaiah 2:2-5, Ephesians 2:11-22, Psalm 46

·         Speaker: Kathy McCamis

Please join us in-person on Sunday at 10:00 am, or online. To view online, go to the home page on our website and click on Bethel Live.




From the Pastor